Ports and Container yards are tough places to work in at the best of times. Outdoors, in all kinds of weather conditions, at all hours of the day and night,...... its tough!. You need to be able to work with equipment that can handle the job, day in and day out, consistently, flawlessly, perfectly.
PsionTeklogix have a long history of working in the “port” environment, not only in the areas of super-rugged handheld and vehicle-mounted computers, but also in the wireless infrastructure space, where their narrowband radio technology has been widely utilised.
Regarding wireless infrastructure, Pocket Solutions can perform site surveys and/or supply computer modelling analysis of your facility to determine coverage requirements and optimal access point placement to give the best wireless performance for the system.
We can also provide the wireless equipment, perform the installation and commissioning of the system, and train your staff on how to operate the system.